Change the life, Change the world
Veniam quis nostrud exercitation sed ullamco laboris
The Power of the Dream
By equipping our young people with the proper resources to succeed, we untether their individual and collective ability to Dream. By freeing their minds to fully imagine their individual and collective potential, we gift to our most valuable assets, our young people, the power to realize their wildest dreams.
Broadening career-paths for historically under-represented students in the fields of:
Science | Technology | Engineering | Mathematics | Medicine | Education | Research
What We Do
Parental Assistance Guidance for College Readiness
High School Stipends and College Scholarships
Emergency Assistance Grants for College Students
Our Mission & Goals
We amplify and promote parity and support unfettered access to careers in Science, Technology, Education, Mathematics, Medicine, Education and Research for diverse students of color. We help broaden college entry and academic retention efforts spanning high school, college, throughout career launch.
June Bacon-Bercey, Pioneering Meteorologist and Passionate Supporter of Science
Bacon-Bercey redefined the role of the television meteorologist, blazing trails for African Americans and endowing an AGU scholarship for women studying atmospheric science.
College Resources
Financial Resources
Minority Serving Colleges
STEMMERs in the News
STEMMER Innovator in the News
Sirisha Bandla, Third Indian woman to go to space
Sirisha Bandla took unconventional small steps before her giant leap into commercial spaceflight